Roses - Fragrance, Blossoms and Variety


Roses - Fragrance, Blossoms and Variety

17Apr 2018

The rose is one of the world’s all-time favourite flowers, and it’s no different in Germany—with its wonderful fragrance, its arresting beauty and the huge array of colours and varieties, it’s little surprise that this plant is so widely admired.


Old varieties and modern types—and their particular characteristics


We separate roses chiefly into the old rose types (before 1867) and the modern types.





The old varieties of rose only have one short blooming period. The blossoms are lush and vivid, and the fragrance is intensive and often used for oils and perfumes. The plants are frost-resistant, easy to care for and resistant to disease. Their fruits are a good source of nutrition for birds in the winter.

Varieties include the alba rose, which grows up to 3m high and has white blossoms that appear from May onwards. The Gallic or apothecary’s rose is more compact, and has a colour that varies from pink to purple. The apothecary’s rose blooms from June to July.


The modern rose varieties have longer or multiple flowering seasons through the year.

The best-loved modern rose varieties include the Rosa Cinderella®, a shrub rose in pastel pink that grows up to 1,7m high. Its blossoms are luxuriant, flower repeatedly and have an intense scent. The Gloria Dei is the most sold hybrid, with its large yellow flowers and pink edges.


How to best look after your rose plant?


Never water from above, as this will turn the blossoms brown, and ball the plant in a bucket of water before you plant it.



Planting time is in spring and autumn. Cut off any withered flowers that appear. Fertilizer helps to ensure good health—but avoid fertilizing directly after planting.

And last but not least: if your rose plant is attacked by aphids, don’t worry! After 1-2 weeks, beneficial insects will deal with the problem.


We wish you a wonderful time with your favourite rose variety!