Garden Tip—Planting in November


Garden Tip—Planting in November

16Nov 2017

The days are getting shorter, the weather’s getting colder, and the first migratory birds are setting off for warmer climes. And the trees too have shed most of their leaves, and adopted that somewhat bleaker winter look—but appearances can be deceiving! It’s still a long way to go before winter arrives, and there’s plenty of time before the plants curl up and go to sleep until spring. So—get those boots on and get out into the garden—there’s still plenty to do!


Autumn is planting time—even in November

When the temperature suddenly starts to sink, it’s easy to think that the time to be planting new plants is over for the year. But in actual fact the opposite is true, and let’s not forget the old rule of thumb: “If a spade can penetrate the earth, then a plant can too.” Despite the cold, shrubs and trees will still grow new roots and carry on expanding their root network. And when the temperatures do eventually drop below freezing, then the frozen earth stops the plants from receiving water—and they know that it’s time to go to sleep.


Before planting your brand new favourites, the earth should be adequately prepared. This includes loosening the earth and—depending on the soil properties—inserting a drainage layer (pebbles, expanded clay etc.) into the hole. After putting in the plant, fill the hole again with fresh earth, which you should ideally enrich with good quality plant substrate. This provides the plant with nutrients and allows for a balanced supply of oxygen and water.

Important: Don’t plant too deep. The root ball should reach to the surface of the soil.

Tip: The Lorberg own-brand plant substrate is available in our Kleinziethen sales garden.

Fallen leaves—your garden’s very own protection against the cold

Autumn turns the leaves into a riot of colour—while also giving the gardener plenty to rake up. But what to do with those fallen leaves? You’ll be happy to know that the shed leaves are perfect for the maintenance and protection of your plants. Spread across the plant beds or around the bases of trees, this organic waste is a perfect ecological fertilizer. As the leaves decompose they release nutrients into the earth to nourish your plants. As well as this, conifer leaves and branches provide perfect protection against the cold. However, one thing to be aware of: Make sure that the leaves of any diseased trees (fungal infestation, parasites etc.) are disposed of and not stored in the garden!


We wish you every success with your gardening!